.22 Shoots
The Te Awamutu branch holds a .22 rimfire shoot on the fourth Wednesday of every month at the Te Awamutu Smallbore clubrooms in Factory Rd Te Awamutu. All visitors are welcome to come and experience smallbore shooting in a relaxed social atmosphere. Bring your own rifle along and improve your shooting skills, or borrow a club rifle.
We shoot paper targets from three positions – prone, sitting and standing. In addition we also have a novelty shoot in the standing position to test your rapid-fire skills. New shooters are encouraged to come along to practise their shooting skills and in a safe and controlled environment, with plenty of opportunities to gain tips and tricks from the experienced shooters in the club.
Conservation Work in the Pureora Forest
We are actively involved in the nationwide conservation effort to control predation of our native species.
Our partnership with DOC in forming the Maramataha trap line has created a focus for our conservation efforts, which after 5 years is showing promising results.
The club, with occasional help from interested people, diligently monitors the trap lines every two to three weeks in an effort to keep predator numbers down as part of the Whio (native blue duck) recovery project as well as to aid preservation of other native species